
Logos: week two

Based on studying in higher education, we were asked to design a symbol which reflected this along with our own ideas about college life and working.

From 100 self-designed logos, the above was chosen to develop using my idea of learning as a rollercoaster. Below shows how I am exporing the concept and which will eventually turn into a final logo to be presented next week.

Models made of paper, photographed then manipulated on Photoshop. Work in progress.

Logos: week one

One of my favourite logos I found when researching in the first week of the logos project at Chelsea. Beer was the theme.



Typographic Moustache

A creation made during my lunch break this week. We all had to wear them during our afternoon tutorials.


Jack helped his uncle off an elephant

Pet shop boys TV commercial. I got a job as a runner, extra and part-time clapperboard snapper (for which I was often complimented with "good board" and "best board of the day", lovely to hear after 9 hours on set). Special thanks to Gabriel for his joke telling during our miming as extras.

Not my type

Bad typography, a good one. Hoxton Street, N1.